Archive for February 2013

And...we're off

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lord willing, come October 16 of 2013, I will be in Brisbane, Australia.

Should I back up a bit?

Last year, as my sister and best friend was packing up to move to the Middle East to teach for two years- and I took a hard look at my life. Honestly, I'd been scrutinizing life for quite some time now. At 27, I didn't have most of the things I assumed I would at my current point in life... and felt a bit like a clueless 17 year old. Constantly asking God...

"What am I supposed to be doing? Where am I supposed to be?"

Wondering a bit enviously why everyone around me seemed to be progressing with life and accomplishing goals... while I just sort of sat on the sidelines, barred from entering "real life".

Thankfully (albeit, somewhat painfully) I took a good look at things...

-I was not particularly fond of my job. (a slight understatement- I've been job searching and applying for several years)

-I did not own a house, or even have a lease to my own apartment

-Many of my close relationships were drastically changing due to moving, having babies, getting married, or even just friendships ending

 What did I have?

I had a car I was almost done paying off, and I had family. 

 Two great things, but not a whole lot holding me back from doing, honestly, whatever I wanted.

And what did I want?

What are the things that call out to me? God. Photography. People. Traveling. 

Since high school when I took my first overseas, short-term missions based trip, to my second one in college, I've always felt a tug for overseas missions work. But as I matured, I realized that I wanted more of a purpose in it. I didn't just want to "go on a trip and do good things for Jesus!"Please, don't get me wrong, short term trips are wonderful- but at this point in life? I wanted to mesh both my love for God AND the things that I loved doing.

One especially dreary Tuesday at work I did a random internet search for overseas missions paired with photography. The only organization that came to mind was YWAM (Youth With a Mission) because several good friends (including an old, family friend whom my parents are close to) had worked with them. Through my search, I discovered that they offer subject based studies/trips. I then narrowed it down a bit by searching for a photography/arts program with dates far enough in advance so that I could have time to raise funds, finish paying off my car, PLUS see my sister when she visited the US in the summer. (I wasn't asking for much, right?)

Amazingly, one school, located in Brisbane Australia, had the perfect dates. October 2013-May 2014.

And it was just like a still, quiet peace. I thought, this is it. This is what's next. Because life is always a series of those above questions. I never, ever want to find myself in a situation where I'm sedentary and completely content to not change, to not questions, to not try.

Over the next few weeks, I talked it over with my family and a few trusted friends... everyone rallied alongside me.

I just recently got all my paperwork together, passport renewed and sent off my application.

And I received my letter of acceptance to the October 2013-May 2014 Video&Photography DTS at YWAM Brisbane Monday night.

I'm going to Australia!

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To Australia... and Beyond...

If you are reading this, than you potentially know that back in the fall I started the process of applying to the Photography Discipleship Training program offered by YWAM (Youth with a Mission) in Brisbane Australia.

Well, for those of you who may have not heard, I was accepted as of last week! I am so excited for this next year and the journey I'm about to embark upon. I know God has huge plans in store and that this is truly what I am supposed to be doing.

The program starts October of this year and runs through May of 2014. Though this will be my third time out of the States, it will be the first time I am away from family and community for an extended period. Excited as I am, I am also a bit overwhelmed and would cherish your prayers as I prepare for this next stage in life.

As most of you know, there are lot of funds that I must to raise to be able to attend YWAM- and I would greatly appreciate any and all donations to my trip. I will be planning and carrying out fundraisers throughout the next few months, but I will definitely need the support of my friends and family as well. I would be so incredibly grateful if you would pray and consider supporting me. I will need to raise a bulk amount of funds for plane tickets, tuition and the outreach, but I also am in need of some faithful friends to support me on a monthly basis while I am away so I have the ability to purchase necessities while I travel.

In the next week I will need to put a deposit down to assure my place in the program- if by chance you have a desire to donate to that, please let me know. 

I will be sending out more updates, as well as keeping this blog dedicated with updates about my trip. Thank you all for the blessing you have all been in my life up til now- I know many of you have been praying with me for an opportunity like this- so its really awesome to see God answering our prayers.
Let me know if you have any questions, or if you'd like to hang out sometime and chat about everything- I'm so excited!

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