Archive for 2013

Outreach Update!

Monday, December 2, 2013

This past week, we road-tripped to Byron Bay for a week of outreach with the organization Red Frogs. In Australia, when students graduate from high school, they have what they call "schoolies". They travel to a location (Byron Bay in this case) and drink, party, do drugs etc for an entire week. Similar to spring break in the States, but with 17 and 18 year olds, not university students. Eighteen is the legal drinking age in Australia, and you can drink and be drunk in public. Its kind of crazy. Working with Red Frogs meant hanging out with students, visiting them in their hotels, doing walk-homes if they were intoxicated or not wanting to walk home alone. Assisting them as they threw up, accompanying them to the ER if necessary (unfortunately, it was). It was a crazy week. But through it all, it was so much fun, and an amazing time. Red Frogs is a Christian organization. They believe in taking Jesus out into the streets, to people, serving them and loving them as Jesus does. We had so many good conversations with the schoolies, many people were able to pray with them.

(my team for the week- love them all so much, so glad we were put together! God really used us, our different personalities, to encourage and bless each other.)

Our mornings were spent going to their homes, hotels or apartments and making them pancakes just to serve them and show the love of Christ. It was amazing how receptive and grateful they were. It was a hard, long week. It started it with a crazy thunderstorm on the beach and torrential rain, and ended in much the same way. There were late nights and a lack of sleep. Sleeping on a church floor with a ton of people and cold showers. But there were also crazy dance parties on the beach (so much fun! Friends, I danced like an idiot all week with the schoolies and my team and LOVED it. I'm a new person!) Free time spent on the beach and walking around the artsy/beachy town of Byron Bay. Lots of pizza and Coca-Cola consumed. So much laughter with friends. Our YWAM team grew so close during this time. It was a great week, and makes me super excited for our week of outreach coming up over New Year's… and then Japan in February.

I have so many photos to share! We visited a lighthouse, the beach… the town was so pretty! I'll be posting more soon!

Its back to normal here in Brisbane- lectures and classes. Work duties, sleeping in our bunks again (gosh the mattresses feel so comfy now!) We have a few weeks of Christmas, then, over our Christmas holiday, I'm traveling to Sydney with two girlfriends to spend a few days traveling there! Excited to see the opera house, visit Hillsong, and lots of beautiful beaches.

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Where I'll be as of February...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Not much time to write an update, just wanted to let everyone know, that come February, I will be heading to Japan! with my outreach team! So excited.

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So much to do!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Hello friends!
Checking in from YWAM world. Australia is wonderful- my schedule here at YWAM is very full, but there is still time to relax and do fun things. We have lectures and classes all week long, as well as activities on and off campus. This past week our guest speaker spoke on the Father Heart of God, and how that relates to us in our relationship with Him. This week, we're hearing lectures on Hearing God's voice.

I'm learning a lot- God is doing so many things in my heart. We're hoping that this is the week they'll let us know our outreach choices! We're getting excited.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. I'm sorry I'm not able to keep in touch with more people- its hard enough to stay in touch with my family.

I made it to the beach this past weekend (finally) with some of my friends, and we had a wonderful day! Enjoy a few photos!


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Life in Australia….

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Hello friends and supporters! I'm starting my second full week of classes and lectures at YWAM Brisbane tomorrow morning. Its a full schedule, but really good. This week we are studying the Father Heart of God- as well as our art focuses and other various programs and activities. It feels as though I've been here forever… and not long at all. If you'd like a more thorough update, feel free to head over to my personal blog… here are a few photos from the past few weeks though. Good people and a beautiful country. 

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Day Three

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Still slightly jet-lagged... but its 10:15 and I haven't gone to bed yet! (the past two nights I have zonked out around 8:30pm!)

Today has been a good day- and its almost the weekend. I've met and talked with some great people... and am excited to see what comes next...

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In Australia

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hello friends.
I have arrived, safe and sound in Australia.

If you'd like to read an extensive post, with a few photos, click over to my personal blog...

Otherwise, just know that I am doing well. It is beautiful here and I am excited to begin the program officially in the next few days. I will do my best to update.

I have had a few people ask about my financial needs, and if you would still like to give? I would GREATLY appreciate it. God has provided in big ways, but living day-to-day, and small expenses will add up. My mom is in charge of all my accounts at home, so contacting her would be the absolute best way to give. Her email is: and she can pass on any support. I will leave you with a few photos of my journey...

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Updates and...

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hello friends,
I just wanted to thank all and any of you who read this blog for popping by. As far as updates for my upcoming trip, I was finally able to purchase my plane ticket the other day. I now have an official departure date, a little over a week left of work, and many other things to busy myself with in the remaining weeks I am in the States. I will try and update here when possible, but, if you'd like to keep up with my day to day blogging (when I have the chance) I try to post fairly often on my personal blog

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What's Been Going On?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

If you're visiting my trip blog (this blog!) due to hearing me speak or chatting with me at Apex this past weekend, welcome! So happy that a few of you are popping in to keep up. I haven't had a chance to properly write a post in a while due to the fact that my summer has been crazy. My sister was home from working abroad for about a month, and having my best friend home was a good time to focus on family. (and the new nephew!) but I feel as though I've been a bit off and out of the loop. Hopefully I will get caught up soon, since I only have about 6 weeks left in the States! Crazy.

I just wanted to write a quick note of thanks to anyone and everyone who attended the Night of Worship at Apex. Thank you for allowing me to share my heart and the details of my adventure. Thank you for supporting me, for buying EVERYTHING we had in the cafe, and for helping me to raise support totaling over $2000 for my YWAM trip! You are all such a gift and I wouldn't be able to take this next step in my life without you.

I promise to update soon. 

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Shop Update

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hey friends... I have some new, photographic/graphic prints up in the store! Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see! (a quote, lyric etc.) 

Remember, all proceeds from my store go straight to funding my YWAM trip this fall!

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Don't Forget...

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Don't forget to follow my personal blog to see more photos, read more posts and just keep up with my life (if that interests you!) This blog is strictly trip related... life goes on over at my blogging home...

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A Huge Thank You...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013 everyone who either helped (cooking and serving!) or came down and ate/donated this past weekend! My fundraiser in the Missions Cafe was quite encouraging! In the grand scheme of things, it was a small chunk towards my overall goal, but I was so blessed by everyone giving far beyond what I had hoped or anticipated! You all are wonderful and I am so thankful to everyone who supported me. You all are teaching me so much about trusting God to provide. It is a humbling experience, as well as a learning one. Depending on others is quite hard for me- which sometimes makes it extra hard to trust God. Thank you for being Him, to me.


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Build a Burrito Fundraiser

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Come join me in the Missions Cafe this weekend (July 6 & 7) after all three gatherings at Apex. I will be serving a burrito bar and yummy treats to raise funds for my YWAM trip in October! Come by, say hello, watch some videos on the program, chat with me about my trip (I'm getting super excited!) eat some DELISH food and support missions!

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Getting Excited

So, some of you are aware that I've been waiting a couple months for YWAM Brisbane to have my CoE (Certificate of Enrollment) sent through. This is an approval they needed to have international students approved to receive Visas. Well, happy news- mine came this week! I am now in the process of applying for my student Visa! This is great news, and really makes this all start to feel legit and real.

I'm also about to start fundraising in earnest now, many of you will be receiving support letters- they'll give you a personal look into my story and what brought me to the point of long-term international missions as well as why I enrolled in YWAM Brisbane's program.

Here are a few videos from the program I'll be involved in, please take a moment to watch!

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Way Back When//Film Scans

Thursday, May 30, 2013

In high school, I was introduced to short-term, overseas missions via a trip to Guatemala with my youth group.

 2003 I officially graduated high school (I say officially, because, as a homeschooled kid, I'd been attending college since 2001) and went back, this time, as a leader, with my youth group.

Guatemala is a gorgeous country. Volcanoes, jungles, vivid colors and sounds, large cities, rural villages, mountains, crystal clear lakes, cities, slums. Such beautiful, sweet people. Joyful children photo-bombing every click of the camera, markets and malls. We were able to see so many aspects, view different perspectives. We mainly performed dramas and skits in the school, dancing and interacting with the kids after. We served on a missions base in the Petén Jungle, working on the grounds and serving the other missionaries. 

Both times were eye-opening and life changing. They planted a seed that has continued to grow. The travel bug... the sights and sounds, sleeping in airports and hauling large duffles. Interacting and meeting children and people with a hunger for God and for human love. 

... by my second trip, the tiny beginning of a love a photography was taking root in my heart. Here are some of my film scans from this trip. (I love these so much- I'm so glad I didn't have a digital camera at the time!)

One of the ideas that thrills me to the core about my future plans is that I now have a deep-rooted, practiced love of photography. A love that will be embraced and encouraged by the program I will be working in with YWAM. That's exciting.

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Photography, Donations and Details

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Hello friendly-friends,
Maybe you're stopping by because you nabbed a flyer from my table at Apex (hey! Thanks for stopping by!) or maybe I somehow enticed you to pop over after I blasted every social media outlet known to man/aka, myself. Whatever brought you here, welcome. And if you're interested in booking a photo session to help fund my missions trip, that would be awesome! Here are some details on how to do that:

First, shoot me an e-mail inquiry. and we'll chat about dates, locations etc... (keep scrolling for the details...)

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<Pricing and Details>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Personal session (1 person): One session/location, and a disc with 5-10, high quality, edited images ..........................suggested donation** of $50-$100

These are great for websites, bloggers, business cards or just to have some gorgeous, creative photos of yourself. Everyone should have their photo taken at least once a year! 

Family Session (2 or more): One session/location, and a disc with 10-15 high quality, edited image.........................suggested donation** of $150-$200

**As noted, all prices are suggested donations. Feel free to give what you can afford, but please note that  I am looking to raise support of around $10,000 for my trip. (this includes tuition to YWAM's discipleship training school, room and board, air fare to Australia and back, and another, undetermined, overseas outreach trip during the duration of my program. As well as daily life, expenses and equipment upkeep!)

I am blessed and excited beyond words to embark upon this next adventure in life. It is amazing to see how God has opened doors and already provided. It is an honor to be going on a trip that will embrace my passions and talents, and it is even better that I am able to use them currently, in my work to raise support. God is teaching me grace, gratefulness, humility and love through this process, as it is not an easy task, as an independent human being, to be at the mercy of those around me for provision. Thank you, all of you, for your prayers and gifts!


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