In Australia

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Hello friends.
I have arrived, safe and sound in Australia.

If you'd like to read an extensive post, with a few photos, click over to my personal blog...

Otherwise, just know that I am doing well. It is beautiful here and I am excited to begin the program officially in the next few days. I will do my best to update.

I have had a few people ask about my financial needs, and if you would still like to give? I would GREATLY appreciate it. God has provided in big ways, but living day-to-day, and small expenses will add up. My mom is in charge of all my accounts at home, so contacting her would be the absolute best way to give. Her email is: and she can pass on any support. I will leave you with a few photos of my journey...

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One Response to “In Australia”

  1. Beautiful picture. I am excited to continue to read about your adventure! I am so happy for you!


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