Archive for July 2013
Shop Update
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Don't Forget...
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Don't forget to follow my personal blog to see more photos, read more posts and just keep up with my life (if that interests you!) This blog is strictly trip related... life goes on over at my blogging home...
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A Huge Thank You...
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Build a Burrito Fundraiser
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Getting Excited
So, some of you are aware that I've been waiting a couple months for YWAM Brisbane to have my CoE (Certificate of Enrollment) sent through. This is an approval they needed to have international students approved to receive Visas. Well, happy news- mine came this week! I am now in the process of applying for my student Visa! This is great news, and really makes this all start to feel legit and real.
I'm also about to start fundraising in earnest now, many of you will be receiving support letters- they'll give you a personal look into my story and what brought me to the point of long-term international missions as well as why I enrolled in YWAM Brisbane's program.
Here are a few videos from the program I'll be involved in, please take a moment to watch!